


by Deb Sims, MS,RNCS,LCSW


Dear Deb: I am interested in learning how to train people for bedside sitting in particular. I have already experienced hospice training and Compassion in Action training and I would like to know if there is a "universal" type of training that I might use for my own organization (Silent Angels, Inc.) and its volunteers. My organization deals directly with how the dying are feeling and how we might make them feel better and comfort them. We need a guideline to go by to train our own volunteers; however I feel that our hospice is too "technical" and does not offer enough emotional education. Can you lead me in the right direction? Thank you!


Dear Marina: I don't know of any specific Programs, but have you read any of Stephen Levine's work? I just finished "Who Dies?" written by him and by his wife Ondrea. He does a beautiful job of walking you through how to give emotional and physical care to the dying; meditations are included and I can't praise him enough. It's one of his earlier books, reprint. I was talking with a pastor yesterday about some of his later work. However, we both agreed he does a fantastic job giving one the tools for helping with the death and dying transition. I hope this is helpful to you and thank you for asking such a sensitive question. Deb

Debbie Sims is a Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Psychiatric Nursing, has a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She maintains a private practice in counseling but her devotion is to her position as Editor for Beyond Indigo an Internet web site for those who are grieving.


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